Images & Backups

CloudPe offers instant Snapshots, Automated or On-Demand Backups and custom Images/ISOs

How to Add Your Own ISO Image to CloudPe

Overview Customers who wish to use their own ISO image can provide it to us, and we will add it...

Creating volumes from images

To make a volume from an image 4. Click Create. The new volume will appear on the Volumes screen.

Creating volumes

Creating a volume 1. On the Volumes screen, click Create volume. 2. In the Create volume window, specify a volume name and size in gigabytes,...

Attaching and Detaching Volumes.

Note: You can only attach and detach non-boot volumes. Create a Volume described in Creating Volume. Attaching Volume to Virtual...

Cloning Volumes

Note: You can clone volumes that are not attached to VMs or attached to stopped VMs. Create a Volume described...

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